See you at Forecast 2015!


Filed in Learning

At Mvestor and FCI, we use a sales pipeline management tool called Base. It’s basically a CRM for any and all deals/quotes/proposals that are currently active. It helps organize, track, maintain the sales process. If you aren’t using

The company who built Base is putting on a conference in San Francisco called Forecast (props to their website, by the way!). The conference will cover insights into the Base software and (it seems like) sales in general. I grabbed a ticket a few weeks ago for a quick one night trip.

Forecast 2015

I typically attend industry related conferences - SEO, web design, inbound marketing, etc. This will be my first “sales” oriented conference. I hope to gain a few insights/additional knowledge into the following:

  • How to use the Base CRM more effectively (or lesser known features of the software)
  • How to sell more effectively/efficiently
  • Other tools that play well or integrate with Base

Of course, I am excited to meet and connect with others in the Base and sales community!

Written by Ian Rogers

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Ian is an entrepreneur and software engineer, focusing on maximizing software value and elminating technical debt. Engage with Ian on Twitter or over email at ian at itrogers dot com. Read more.

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